Image credit You’ve finally decided to renovate your home. You know that this will be a long and challenging process, but you are excited about the outcome. The first thing you need to do is plan your renovation goes as smoothly as possible. To make sure everything else goes well too, here is a list of 4 activities you should plan for during your home renovation: Demolition Demolition means tearing down a building. It is often the first step in the construction of new facilities or renovation of existing ones. Still, you can also do it for other reasons such as fire damage repair and environmental contamination cleanup. Concrete demolition plays a vital role during home renovations because you will need to get rid of old materials that you cannot reuse before starting your project. However, keep in mind that different types of renovation require different levels of demolition work, so make sure to plan carefully how much time you want to spend on this activity. Cleanup Services If you’re planning to renovate your home and the time has come for a thorough cleanup, hiring professional help can be very beneficial. This is especially true if this will not be part of your renovation budget. A good cleaning service can have your house looking beautiful again in no time. They will handle all the basic chores, including mopping floors, washing windows and drapes, and scrubbing kitchen counters. In addition to this more traditional service, they can also do a more specialised job of removing construction dust from electronics such as computers and television sets. Decor and Arranging the House Decoration and arrangement of the house are the two most important activities of renovation. First, you should decide what new decorations you need for your home and arrange them inside the rooms. For example, if there is a space in your living room where you can place some furniture or other things that will make it more interesting, go ahead and do so. You can always buy new decorative pieces like paintings or vases to break up any monotony that may be present on walls, which might otherwise seem dull after painting them with new color schemes. Also, remember not to overcrowd one area; keep an eye on balance while decorating spaces, so they look less cluttered than before renovations began rather than too cramped-up with stuff. Finally, it would help if you did decorations to complement the overall look of your house. Your Temporary Living Space During Renovation When it comes to home renovation, there are many activities that you should plan for. One of the most important tasks is choosing a temporary housing place during your work weekdays. The best option will be staying at your house if it’s nearby or with your family and friends if they live close by. If you can’t access these options, go for a hotel or even rent an apartment to stay in during renovation days. You can also ask for help from your neighbors, but that’s not always possible either, so relying only on them wouldn’t be good. Conclusion
A home renovation can be an exciting process, but it can also be stressful. By taking the time to plan your renovation before you start working on your home, you’ll make things much smoother and easier for everyone involved!
Pixabay CC0 License While everyone is probably aware of the fact that good home maintenance and interior design can make a home more visually appealing, and can improve its curb appeal when it goes back on the market, the idea of these things having an impact on your day-to-day level of productivity may be less obvious. In recent times, more and more people have been working from home at least part of the time, and ongoing changes in the global professional landscape seem to suggest that this trend is set to continue uninterrupted for some time. Whether you are working on a particular project or side venture of yours, are working in a professional capacity, or just want to get your chores done more efficiently, finding ways to boost your day-to-day levels of productivity can be very useful. Here are a few ways that good home maintenance and interior design can boost your productivity. By reducing irritants that can negatively influence your health Unfortunately, it's quite common for many homes – and in fact for many buildings in general – to contain a significant number of different irritants that can cause negative health effects, ranging from relatively minor, to quite severe. If your home has been subject to water damage recently, it's important to contact Water Damage Restoration Services for the sake of protecting the aesthetic appeal of your home, but also in order to combat things like mould that might have accumulated as a result. If you are constantly dealing with allergens, irritants, and pathogens in your home environment, it's likely that your energy levels will be significantly lower, that you'll be more prone to falling ill, and that you won't sleep as well, either. Taking care of these issues can, therefore, significantly contribute to enhancing your productivity. By helping you to feel more energised and motivated The way you design and decorate your home can have a major impact on your overall mood, and how you feel with regard to things like your own personal capabilities. Homes that feature good lighting, uplifting art and ornaments, and a clean and uncluttered aesthetic, can all contribute significantly to helping you to feel more in control and more positive, driven, and motivated on a daily basis. On the other hand, if you are trying to be productive in a poorly illuminated basement conversion, you’ll probably find that the atmosphere ends up making it significantly more difficult for you to get into the right frame of mind and stay there. By reducing sources of distraction in your environment
By maintaining and designing your home carefully, and keeping it relatively clutter free, you can actively remove many potential sources of distraction from your immediate environment, and can therefore make it much easier for you to work on one thing at a time, without having your attention dragged this way and that. In recent times, many writers and commentators on productivity — including Cal Newport, the author of “Deep Work” — have noted that even relatively minor distractions can significantly impair productivity, and can prevent people from doing their best work. Messy and chaotic home environments naturally tend to provide more sources of distraction. Photo by Tomáš Malík from Pexels So you’ve found the perfect home. All the purchase work is done. You’ve picked up the keys. Now all you have to do is move in and make it really yours. If you’ve moved before, you’ll know that this is often a challenge but can be a lot of fun. The key to keeping it fun is to set a realistic budget and stick to it. Here are some tips to help. Start with an overall budget A good rule of thumb is to allow 10% of your home’s purchase price for interior design. Then try to stay within 7% of the purchase price. That will allow you a bit of breathing space if you misjudge and/or if your plans have to change. For clarity, your interior design budget is separate from the budget needed for any essential work on the house. For example, if your new home needs replacement windows then it’s advisable to budget for those separately. The main reason for this is that you don’t really have a choice about these tasks whereas you do with your interior design options. A reasonable approach would be to add the cost of these to the purchase price of your home (since they are essential updates). Then allocate 10% of the cost of the update to your interior design budget. Setting a budget of 10% may sound high. If you think about it, however, it is intended to cover all materials and labor for your whole new home with room to spare. If you already have furniture, you may be able to nudge down the budget by reusing what you have. Even if you don’t, you may choose to update your home in stages to make the costs more manageable. Allocating your budget Once you’ve set your budget, your next step is to allocate it. Generally, this is best done in two stages. Firstly, you’ll set a broad allocation. Secondly, you’ll finesse this broad allocation to suit your particular needs and wants. There are a couple of ways you can set a broad allocation. The first is by category and the second is by room. If you’re setting a budget by category, then a good guideline to follow is: Furniture 40% Floorcoverings 15% Wallcoverings 15% Lighting 10% Window treatments 10% Accessories 10% The reason wallcoverings and floorcoverings get a relatively high allocation is that you will often need professionals to install them for you. Even if you’re handy at DIY, the convenience and quality of work you get from professionals are often well worth the money. Remember, your time and energy both have a value. Setting a budget by room can be a lot more challenging because there are so many variables. There are, however, two guidelines you may find helpful. The first is to think about the practicalities of the room (including its size). The second is to think about how much you will use the room. These considerations should help to guide you to what percentage of your budget you should allocate to each room. You could then subdivide your budget into purchase categories based on your needs in that room. For example, a “living room” could also function as a dining room and office. This could justify it having a relatively large share of the budget. Realistically, a lot of the time, you will probably need to use a combination of these two approaches. For example, you might have floorcovering and wallcovering budgets for the whole home but assign your budget for the other categories per room. Prioritizing your budget Prioritizing your budget is also best done in two, if not three, stages. Your first stage is to work out how much commitment each purchase involves. For example, you generally want to pick your furniture first because this typically has the biggest impact on a room’s functionality. Once you’ve picked your furniture, you can make all further design decisions with it in mind. Your next priority should generally be your floorcoverings. Ideally, you’ll choose them immediately after you’ve chosen your furniture (or at least the main pieces). This is because floorcoverings can be disruptive to install. Even if you’re sticking with your existing floorcoverings and just adding rugs, it’s preferable to put down large area rugs before you add furniture. After this, your priorities are essentially your preference. As guidance, however, a practical order would be lighting, window treatments, wallcoverings, and accessories. This essentially reflects both how much impact each category tends to have in a room and also how easy it tends to be to make changes. As before, once you have a basic plan in place, you can then fine-tune this to suit your own situation. Essentially, you should be guided by the principle of allocating your budget according to where it makes the most difference. For example, if you don’t have a guest room, you might choose to pare back on accessories so you can afford a really high-quality sleeper sofa. Splurging and saving
Unless you’re lucky enough to have an unlimited (or at least very high) budget, you’re going to need to get to grips with the concept of splurging and saving. The lower your budget is, the more important this concept will become. As a rule of thumb, if you lie, sit or stand on it, you should splurge on it. You can save anywhere else. Saving can mean either going without (if only temporarily) or buying affordable pieces as “placeholders” until you can afford something better. Paying close attention to this principle can lead you to unexpected but effective buying decisions. For example, if you need a new bed, then you generally want to spend your money on the mattress rather than the frame. Even though the frame is a lot more visible, it’s less important to the overall functionality of the room (and your comfort). By contrast, you might want to spend extra money on furniture such as poufs. These are typically used either as footrests or for seating. Either way, investing in quality will give you a more comfortable experience. This in turn will create more flexibility. For example, you might even be able to use your poufs as backup dining chairs. Transforming your house into a dream home is one of the best ways to live. And when it comes to living, many people think of buying a high-end house or investing in costly remodeling. This may not be achievable to all, even though it works. Nonetheless, there are better, more affordable ways to completely transform your living space into a dream home. From why you should refinish your hardwood floor to opening up your living space, here is how to transform your home into a dream home. Pixabay – CC0 License Whether it is a renovation or adding some touches, here are top-rated ideas for turning your home into a dream home. Light up your living space Adding lighting fixtures will make your home feel welcoming, warmer, and fresher. You can also make your rooms look bigger by adding larger windows for more and better illumination. Instead of keeping your home darker, make the most of the natural light with energy-efficient windows. Table lamps and other lighting features are also a great way to make your rooms livelier. Wall and ceiling lights are also a better way to make your home look and feel cozier. Bring the outdoors inside Right now, interior designs and features are taking inspiration from nature. Since sustainability is becoming a significant factor in every life aspect, you should consider going green with every renovation idea. For instance, you may want to consider these tips:
Fix your fixtures Swapping out old fixtures and replacing them with new features is one of the best ways to transform your home into a dream home. The little things can sometimes make a difference when done right. For instance, bring in the styles and finishes you love by swapping door knobs, hinges, and faucets. Other additions, such as a swyft sofa in a box, can make a small living room look more welcoming and attractive. Revamp your outdoor living space Patios and decks can help transform your small home into a dream living space. Other outdoor fixtures and furnishing can also make your home more comfortable. Invest in weather-resistant rugs, outdoor patio furniture, and wrought iron dinette. Adding a fire pit and fountain can also make your home look more appealing. Add art pieces Art pieces can spruce up any home. Accordingly, art can add a personal touch to your living space as you display your favorite images, patterns, and colors. Do you need inspiration at home? Use art to spark emotions and make your home feel more motivated and happier. Refresh your backyard and garden
Do you have green hands? Your home garden can make a significant difference to how your house feels and looks. A garden is somewhere you can look into for inspiration when chilling in the backyard. Additionally, you can use this space to go green and plant some food. The good thing about plants is that they have a myriad of uses, ranging from landscaping purposes to consumption. The bottom line Do you want to create the perfect home for yourself? Use these tips to turn your house into a dream home without breaking the bank. If you enjoy a bit of DIY, there is a good chance that you are happy to tackle any challenge that your home throws are you. However, there are some jobs that should be left to the professionals. If you are thinking about trying any of these jobs, you had better put down the tools and call the professionals instead. analogicus from Pixabay
Extensions Getting to add an extra room to your house is every homeowner’s dream, but it can be a nightmare if you don’t get the builders involved. Adding an extra room is more than just throwing some walls up and hoping for the best. There are rules about the size of the addition, methods to ensure that it joins the house properly, and everything that needs to go inside. Just do yourself a favour and leave this one to the professionals. The last thing you need is for a wall to fall down. Electricity If it involves electricity, you might want to phone someone who knows what they are doing. Something simple such as changing a bulb or popping a new fuse in a plug, you are probably going to be ok. However, if you don’t know anything about electricity, you should avoid changing light fixtures. Over time, the electrics in our home can need to be upgraded, especially as we continue to add more electric items. Make sure a professional can take a look at what is behind the walls when you are changing the electrics to ensure the system does not get overloaded. Plumbing One of the saddest facts that we have ever heard is that around half of the jobs that plumbers attend are due to people trying to fix something themselves. As simple as a job might seem, plumbing takes a certain touch to ensure that the pipes don’t leak. We don’t how they do it, it might be some sort of magic, but always get a plumber in to sort that leak that you think you can do yourself before you flood the kitchen. Plaster Have you tried to get your walls nice and smooth? Using plaster is one of those things that you can do or can’t, there is no in-between. If you struggle with plastering walls, then ceilings will be impossible. The last thing you need is a lumpy ceiling after putting all of the efforts into making your room look good. If you have a small patch to fix, you might be ok doing it by yourself, however, a full room is something else to deal with. Tree removal Have you ever tried to remove a stubborn stump from your garden? Getting an expert in is probably the most efficient way to do it. However, if you have a tree that needs to be removed, please get a professional team. Removing trees can be dangerous to people and could damage property. There are companies that specialise in removing trees safely. They use equipment that will remove the tree without any damage to you or your property. According to Pew Research, the number of homeowners in America increased by 2.1 million in 2020. It makes sense to settle for nothing less than your dream house when seeking property to purchase since your home must be your sanctuary. However, it isn't uncommon for you to come across multiple homes that seem ideal, making your final decision challenging. Fortunately, there are numerous signs you can look out for to know when you have found the perfect place. Here are five hints that you have found your ideal home.
Image Credit There is no denying that houses are expensive, so it is critical to find a property that you can afford when house hunting. Thankfully, you can get an online mortgage quote to find out how much money a lender is willing to give you by inputting a few pieces of information. With this sum in mind, you can know which home you can afford and which options to pass on, bringing you a step closer to your ideal home. Your dream home needs to fit your budget to avoid buyer's remorse and prevent falling into financial trouble. 2. You can imagine living in it Many experts agree that it is always easier to picture yourself living in your dream house once you walk in it, whether you are a first-time homebuyer or not. Therefore, if you can already see yourself modifying the backyard in a certain way or using the shed as your home office, it is a clear indicator that you want to live in that space and should buy it immediately. 3. It checks all your boxes While it is unlikely that there is a home out there with everything on your wishlist, your dream house will check many of the critical boxes. Therefore, a place with the most superficial interior and exterior features you fancy is undoubtedly your dream home. If this home is in your desired area and is close to important places like hospitals, shopping centers, your office, and schools, you can also consider it your dream property. 4. The home inspection goes well It is common knowledge that a professional inspection is crucial when buying a home, irrespective of how great the property seems. These inspections can uncover any pre-existing issues that can affect the home's price and even your zeal to purchase the property in the first place. Consequently, if any of the 9,914 home inspectors currently employed in the country uncovers no nasty surprises after checking the property out, you can consider this a great sign to proceed with your home buying efforts. 5. You can't stop talking about it Image Credit It isn't uncommon to share the good news with others when you are delighted. Therefore, if several of your conversations with relatives and friends keep circling back to the highlights of a particular home, it likely means you are unconsciously in love with it. A direct comparison between two or more houses is one thing, but bragging about a specific home signifies that you already feel possessive. It’s Future-Proofed Perfectly
If you have found a home that you feel is exactly what you need, one of the aspects will be that it kind of dots to your future needs. If the property you desire can evolve accordingly, you will be able to spend many years of happiness in this place. Future-proofing your home is like being able to see into the future. Whether you are starting your career or starting a family, you will need your home to be perfect for the years to come. You'll be able to picture how things are going to look in the future regarding every room in the entire place. Longevity is such a huge deal when it comes to any property. Fundamentals such as the HVAC system are crucial, for instance. You'll know when to get a well-maintained Air Conditioning Repair Service in order to save the future of your home, too, for example. Future-proofing and looking at potential upgrades can be vital to your happiness - and if this potential home has that potential, it may be for you. Are you thinking about the future sale of your home? You should be. A home isn’t just a place that you live. It’s the most important financial investment that you will ever make. So, how do you handle this the right way? Well, you should think about making changes that are going to ensure that buyers are blow away by your property. There are a few possibilities that could be worth considering here. Pexels Source CCO License
Kitchen Changes First, you should think about making some changes to the kitchen. For many buyers, the kitchen is the most important room in the home. If you make the right changes here then you are immediately going to grab their attention. To do this, you need to understand what they want from the kitchen space. They want it to be a place that they can enjoy a meal with their family. That’s why, if your home doesn’t already have one, you should think about adding a breakfast island to your kitchen. This is a great way to bring the room together while also ensuring that it looks and feels more modern or contemporary. A kitchen remodeling solution will be essential here. Without a choice like this, you are going to struggle to get the quality you need. This should never be viewed as a DIY job. Curb Appeal You might also want to think about making some changes that will increase the overall curb appeal of the property. Curb appeal is important because it’s often going to be the first impression that buyers receive of your property. There are lots of ways that you can improve the curb appeal that could have a massive impact. You might want to think about using the support of a landscaper to make the right changes here. A landscaper will bring your garden to life and ensure that it looks absolutely incredible. There are other possibilities that could work well. For instance, you might want to look at the garage doors. These are always going to take up a massive surface area of your property. If they look worse for wear then this is going to damage the impression that buyers get when they view your home. Luxury Choices Finally, you should think about adding some luxury choices to your property. There are a great deal to choose from here. For instance, you might want to think about adding a 360 degree fireplace to your home that can be incredible. It’s a talking point that will keep buyers thinking about your home long after the first viewing. Or, how about a hot tub to make your garden a dream. We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to guarantee that a future buyer is absolutely dazzled by your home. If you take this step, you will have a far better chance of gaining the opening offer that you hoped for. Approach this the right way and it might even lead to a bidding war. This is the dream situation for any homeowner to be in. Although you might not be ready to sell your home yet, you likely will in the future. House prices are always increasing, so you will likely have secured a profit on your home already. However, there are ways to increase the profits from the sale of the house by increasing the value of the home. Here are the best tips for successfully increasing the value of your home. Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay Work with an architect on any new projects Should you want to start a new project at home to change the roof, add an extension, or create a whole new outer building, ensure to work with an architect. The best residential architect will help you design properties that will last forever and sell incredibly well in the real estate market. Fix any issues immediately Should you ever deal with mould, broken roof tiles, or other home issues, fixing them straight away instead of waiting will ensure that no further issues will occur. The longer you leave something broken or moulding, the worse the situation can become. This will deter the condition of your home and also result in you needing to spend more money than you needed to. Make it low maintenance The lower the maintenance is for your home, the more appealing it will be to future buyers. Some great ways to make your home low maintenance include:
Greater efficiency
The more efficient your home will be, the easier and cheaper it will be to run. For instance, installing solar panels and using energy-savings bulbs will help you maximize your energy and spend less on your bills. Any energy-efficient measures should be outlined to the future buyers, as it will prove to them that your home is as cheap as possible to run. Furthermore, you could use these measures to further enhance your home’s efficiency:
These measures will make your home more sustainable and affordable, which will both be advantages for the future buyer. Using these tips you can make your home more appealing to future buyers, which will justify the higher value of the property. Choosing between roofing types, materials, and pricing may be complex, whether you're replacing an old roof or investigating alternatives for a new house. The type of roof you choose will also have an impact on the overall aesthetics too. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of the most common roofing materials to help you choose the right one for your home - so you can make the right decision. Photo by Boris misevic on Unsplash
Wood Shake Wood was a popular roofing material in homes for decades. However, because of the fire risk, it is rarely used nowadays. On the plus side, wood shingles are very eco-friendly when they are recycled or reclaimed wood products.
Houses in the Colonial and Mission styles are frequently covered with rounded tile roofing materials. Homeowners who are contemplating using tiles for their roofing ought to be aware of the expense.
Copper asphalt, lead, copper, steel, and aluminum are often used as metal roofing materials. Roofing systems made from metal are incredibly long-lasting. Only work with professionals like RPS Metal Roofing & Siding, Inc. Metal is also pretty eco-friendly since it lasts so long, and there is the potential to use recycled metal sheets.
Asphalt shingles, the most commonly used roofing material, are inexpensive and straightforward to install on a roof. Asphalt shingles are created by combining a fiberglass shingle with asphalt and finishing the mixture with a textured surface on the outside. Single-thickness asphalt shingle and laminated asphalt shingle are the two basic variants available.
Several synthetic roofing products (plastic, rubber, and polymer roofing) have been created to mimic other roofing materials' color, texture, and appearance.
Slate is strong and durable and recognized for its numerous variances in origin, thickness, and color. Slate is also renowned for its options in thickness and color.
When it comes to your roofing options, you want to understand all of your options and how they can make a difference to everything from the temperature control within the home to having solar panels fitted at a later date. Looking to create a beautiful exterior? Read more: How To Improve Your Home Exterior (Image Source)
Mold can be a serious issue in homes. While modern buildings don’t suffer as much from this issue, it can still be very prevalent in your home no matter when it was built. This can make walls look unattractive, while also having unpleasant health effects that mostly impact young people. This makes it worth dealing with mold properly when it strikes your home, and this article is going to be showing you exactly how to approach this issue for the best results. Waterproof Painting Walls can be easily damaged by water, and moisture is also one of the key ingredients required for mold. Many companies produce water-resistant paint that can be used as a base layer when you are decorating your walls. This can be used around windows and doors, but you should also focus on areas that have had mold issues in the past. You will usually only need a single coat of this paint, making it nice and easy to apply while also having the benefit of priming your walls for your main paint. Wall/Carpet Cleaning Mold is a type of fungus, and this means that it travels and reproduces by releasing spores into the air. These can remain on your walls and floors, making it easier for the mold to come back once you have gotten rid of it. Cleaning a whole room once its mold has been removed can be a good way to overcome this issue, giving you the chance to remove all of the spores that could be waiting to cause another outbreak. Improved Ventilation Ventilation can be one of the best ways to avoid moisture build-up in your home. You can easily add ventilation, with windows and vents providing everything you need to achieve this goal. Options like single hung replacement windows can help with this, providing you with windows that can be opened wide to provide ventilation to your whole home. Some people choose to use machines to help with ventilating their home, but this can make the whole thing a lot more expensive. Moisture Monitoring As mentioned above, moisture levels in your home can greatly contribute to mold growth. Measuring the moisture in your home can be a good way to keep mold under control, and a simple humidity sensor can be a good tool to help with this. There are loads of products like this on the market, making it nice and easy to measure the moisture that could be causing mold in your home. Using ventilation when moisture levels get too high can be a good way to combat growth. As you can see, dealing with mold can be a lot easier than many people expect. While you will need to work hard, it won’t be too tricky to make sure that your home is free and clear of mold. You just need to be prepared to do some work along the way, but this will be a small price to pay to escape from mold in your home. |
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